Making an Impact
Making an Impact

DONATE & help
Greetings, grace, and peace to you!
We know God as a creator, feeder, teacher, gardener, and builder of this world we call home.
Trinity has a long history of creating, feeding, and building community in the image of God. Through our ministries with MANNA, Open Table, and Gaining Ground, we’ve helped to feed our neighbors near and far. Working with Habitat for Humanity and Build-A-Bed, we are builders and creators. Our children’s ministries and our work with St. Stephen’s have made us teachers. And one need only look at the beautiful grounds of Trinity to know we are gardeners!
In the process of sharing our love for God and each other through our ministries, we are also building community. We welcome visitors and regulars alike into the beautiful choreography of worship and celebration. We strive to be a community of joy for anyone who longs for a meal, an embrace, and the reassurance that they are not alone.
Ways You Can Donate:
In Person
Mail a check or stop in!
Trinity Church
81 Elm St.
Concord, MA 01742
Alternatively, you can make an online donation.
Altar Flowers
The Altar Guild is truly grateful to friends and parishioners of Trinity who give to the Altar Flowers Fund. Altar flowers are selected each week by the person(s) who will be arranging them for the Sunday worship service. You are invited to contribute by choosing a Sunday that has meaning to you, give us the details on who/what is being celebrated, who/what is being remembered, or who/what is being honored.